About us

who are weWe run an independent blog about life in Afghanistan its past, war-time and present. We combine all the information from different sources to bring it to readers from all over the world. Here, we discuss the history of Afghanistan as well as the country’s latest political events. Our readers can also find information about women’s status and respect for human rights in Afghanistan.

Our blog seeks to provide unique perspectives on news and relevant information from different spheres of Afghanistan’s life. Our blog is created to represent a variety of voices and opinion-leading experts. We try to regularly add new posts about the country.

Our blog also tells about the rights of people across the country. We also cover abuse topics, expose the facts widely, and try to encourage people to respect rights and justice. We are an independent, blog that works as part of a media to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all.

Afghanistan, (which means Land of the Afghan) is a country located in Central Asia. The country has a great history and culture that go over 5000 years back. Afghanistan is a heterogeneous nation, in which there are four major ethnic groups: Pashtoons, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks. Numerous other minor ethnic groups also call Afghanistan their home. The majority of Afghans belong to the Islamic faith. The capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, was admired by many great figures throughout history.

Today, Afghanistan is on a road to recovery, and things have gotten a lot better since the Taliban were removed from power. However, the country still has a long way to go corruption is a big issue, as well as the continual war with extremist militant groups (supported by outside forces) trying to take over the country. The Taliban is still conducting attacks in Afghanistan and has managed to temporarily capture districts and even a major city. Now, ISIS (DAESH) has started operations in Afghanistan, and their fighters are waging war, not just against the Afghan government, but the Taliban as well.

In late 2001, the Taliban was removed from power, and an interim government was created, and Hamid Karzai was chosen to lead it. Since then, parliamentary and presidential elections have been held. Hamid Karzai won the first two presidential elections, and Ashraf Ghani won the most recent one, defeating challenger Abdullah Abdullah.

Fighting between the Taliban and government forces in Afghanistan has escalated. The upsurge in violence had been devastating consequences for civilians, with suicide bombings, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and targeted attacks by the Taliban and other insurgents causing 70 percent of all civilian casualties. The number of civilians killed during government military operations increased as well. The number of internally displaced people nearly reached 1 million in 2015. While the government affirmed its commitment to human rights, it failed to address violations of women’s rights and attacks on journalists. Parliamentary and provincial elections scheduled for 2015 were postponed pending contested electoral reforms and are now tentatively scheduled for late 2016.